Biology homework help

I need a paper of 8 pages following this outline.

Thalia Acosta BSC 4931, Section U03
Title: Sea Level Rise affects the Everglades Ecosystem and Restoration Plan
I. Introduction
A. Changes in precipitation, temperature, and sea level will affect the Everglades Ecosystem. (Nungesser et al. 2015)
B. Damage to the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan to restore fresh water.
(Aumen et al. 2015)
C. Hypothesis: “Sea level rise caused by global warming is reducing
sawgrass populations, enabling intrusion of mangroves, and damaging the
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. This is in turn causing
animal populations to decrease or disperse, and ecosystem services to be
II. Sea level rise is reducing sawgrass populations and ecosystem functions
A. Abundance of salt water will eat away the saw grass in the famous “river of grass” and lower their population.
1. Salinity reduces saw grass germination (Pulido et al. 2020)
2. Reduced root biomass (Charles et al. 2019)
3. Ecosystem function/ services (Bansal et al. 2019)
B. Will lead to peat soil being destroyed, peat soil is important for the wetlands elevation.
1. Soil surface elevation (Howard et al. 2020)
2. Exposing wetlands soil (Servais et al. 2019)
3. Structure and function of sawgrass (environmental stress) (Servais et al.
C. Peat accumulation will lead to less carbon sequestration and erosion of land.
1. Carbon sequestration are decreasing (Chambers et al. 2014)
2. Land Erosion (Sirianni and Comas, 2020)
III. Sea level rise enables intrusion of mangroves
A. Mangroves prevent the intrusion of salt water to the everglades.
1. Mangrove dieback (Zhao et al. 2020)
2. Mangroves accommodate to sea level rise (Feher et al. 2020)
B. Mangroves prevent storm surges. (Jiang et al. 2014)
C. Enabling the intrusion of mangroves will prevent them from stabilizing the
coastline and reducing erosion. (Willard et al. 2011)
IV. Animal communities dependent on saw grass are changing in composition and function.
A. Loss of animal habitats Loss of suitable animal habitats (Catano et al. 2015)
B. Will decrease the amount of American crocodiles. Influence of salinity on American crocodiles (Mazzotti et al. 2019)
C. Damage to native and nonnative fish in the area.
Loss of fish density due to excess salinity (Romanach et al. 2019)
V. Specific local solutions involve modifications to the restoration plan
A. Modify the Restoration Plan
B. Increase amount of freshwater discharge through rivers
C. Raise freshwater levels near the coast
D. Freshwater storage
VI. Conclusion
A. Sea level rise is threating the Everglades, causing damage to the river of grass, negatively affecting the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, and causing the loss of its ecosystem.
B. Implementing ways of saving freshwater wetlands will benefit the Everglades and South Florida.
Works Cited
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• Chambers, L.G., Davis, S.E., Troxler, T. et al. Biogeochemical effects of simulated sea level rise on carbon loss in an Everglades mangrove peat soil. Hydrobiologia 726, 195–211 (2014).
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