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Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: The Tempest (William Shakespeare).He later causes Antonio and his train to be shipwrecked. Antonio’s son Ferdinand falls in love with Miranda and the resolution of the play happens through the marriage between Ferdinand and Miranda. The play at this point in time has been taken up by postcolonial theorists and Caliban’s position as a subjugated native is the subject of much research.A comedy, the play talks of the resolution of a family feud and the trials that Prospero had to face before the resolution takes place. Much of the play is the resolution of the feud and the trials that Prospero had to face are narrated through a flashback. His faithful servant Ariel, a spirit of the island, helps him arrange the resolution. There are many stylistic devices that are employed, music being one of the most important. The character of Caliban too is another technique that subverts the noble and benevolent guise that Prospero takes on in the narrative. The central concept of the production that I have conceived of is one that seeks to tear off this guise of benevolence from Prospero. This follows postcolonial theories that seek to make the subjugation of the colonized clear to people. The aspect of language being an important instrument of protest shall be a significant aspect of my production of The Tempest. The production shall thus be set in Shakespeare’s time but the costumes and the other theatrical elements shall be unconventional so as to bring out the ideas behind this production.The sets in this production shall not seek to create a magical effect that takes one away from the reality of the situation. Sets that emphasize the gruesome nature of the work that Caliban and Ariel have to undergo shall be emphasized. This can then include sets that allude to the revolutions of the working class. One can imagine how the lines-can be changed into the words of a leader of an uprising through the way in which it is said and&nbsp.the sets in the midst of which it is uttered. This points to the ways in which language, when uttered in different contexts, can be taken to mean different things.&nbsp.