Biology homework help

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Randomised control trial of a smoking cessation intervention directed at men whose partners are pregnant. rther understand how a suitable intervention program can aid in increasing the quit rates among men as the percentage of quit rate was found to be more in the intervention group compared to the control.The study is completely justified as childbirth may represent the best opportunity to increase smoking cessation rates among men 2,3. Men might quit smoking on knowing that the wife is pregnant and will also abstain from the same for a few years after childbirth 4. The study purpose was clear.The study was a multicomponent intervention study using a stratified, randomized control trial, with an intention to treat analysis. The study was conducted at 2 large Brisbane metropolitan hospitals in collaboration with the University of Queensland. Over a period of 35 months, men whose partners were pregnant and who met the eligibility criteria (should be male, be a partner of a woman less than 25 weeks pregnant, living with her and be a current cigarette smoker of at least 10 cigarettes per day within 3 days of the baseline interview) were enrolled into the program. These eligible participants were stratified based on the smoking status of the female partner and then randomized to control or intervention group. Participants were blinded to group allocation.The study was a qualitative study. It was not a quantitative study as numerical result was not the endpoint. The main aim of the study was to determine how well the intervention program would help in cessation of smoking.Woman who booked into the public antenatal clinics at two large Brisbane metropolitan hospitals were asked to provide information about their smoking status, their partners smoking status and contact details. From the information provided men who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were selected.The eligible participants were stratified based on the smoking status of their female partners at a central location by a staff member not involved in the recruitment or interviews.