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University of Bridgeport Hypertension Problem Statement and Background Paper


1. Problem Statement

    1. This is not a question or a solution, but one sentence that summarizes your problem. For example, on Sample Poster 1, the problem statement is, “There are very little opportunities for heterosexuals to learn about how HIV/AIDS can affect them since they are not the target audience for outreach programs.”
    2. Make sure the problem statement is clear and concise.
    3. Make sure the problem has a narrow focus. For example, a problem statement that says, “There is much hunger in the world” is too broad. Narrow the focus to a problem in Bridgeport or on campus.

2. Problem Background

    1. Synthesize the background information you have found (use sources in this section) to identify and discuss the possible causes of the problem. Write an opening sentence that stimulates interest as well as conveys an issue to which a broad readership can relate. Possible questions that may be answered in this section:
      1. What research establishes a strong rationale or need to focus on this problem?
      2. Why is this problem important?
      3. What is known about the issue so far?
      4. What remains unknown?
      5. Are there areas for disagreement among your sources?
      6. Describe the disagreement and what might account for it.
      7. Who are the individuals impacted by this problem?
      8. Are other organizations or groups already working on this problem? If so, what problems are they encountering?

The topic is one of your choosing, and it can be a wide range of topics, but ultimately you want to think about a problem, especially a local one, that needs to be solved. How does your major, what you’ve learned in your degree, help you solve it?