Business Finance Homework Help

Rasmussen College The Employee Contributions Presentation


I’m working on a management question and need guidance to help me learn.


Create a presentation with speaker’s notes that:

  • Provides a title slide (1 Slide)
  • Provides an agenda (1 Slide)
  • Provides an introduction (1 Slide)
  • Examines personality characteristics and personal values for organizational fit (2-3 Slides)
  • How do these characteristics and values align with an organization?
  • Analyzes the influences of emotions and behaviors on work-related performance (1-2 Slides)
  • How will a person’s moods and emotions influence their behaviors in the workplace?
  • Summarizes the impact of attitudes and behaviors on employee job satisfaction (2-3 Slides)
  • Describe both the challenges and benefits to the organization.
  • Provides a conclusion (1 Slide)
  • Provides attribution for credible references used in the development of content ideas following academic guidelines in a reference slide (1 Slide)
  • Uses examples to support the understanding of concepts in a well-defined presentation
  • Contains presentation slides with only general information as a visual reference for the audience, and the speaker’s notes should include the details of each slide