Business Finance Homework Help

George Mason University Unethical Business Practices Questions


link to read; https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.conten…

powerpoint provided in files

  • Give an example of unethical business practices that has been covered in the news within the past five-ten (5-10) years (provided an example different than any mentioned in the chapter).
    • What blind spots contributed to or motivated the unethical decision-making? That is, how might one’s bounded ethicality have contributed to this? How might the bounded awareness of others also have allowed for this?
    • How does the theory of moral disengagement apply to your example–i.e., use the chart to explain how people might have acted the way they did without feeling like they did anything wrong? What could those involved have told themselves to feel justified in making unethical decisions. Make sure to identify which of the Albert Bandura’s methods you think was used and why.
  • Can you think of a time when you did not live up to your own ethical standards? What caused you to go against your ideals? Please explain.
  • After watching the short video, what are your thoughts on having an ethics oath? Would you sign one if there was one in Mason’s School of Business? Why or why not?