Business & Finance homework help

present a range of topics in the form of a policy that describes how participants can join your business network, and the benefits of doing so. The overall purpose of your policy should be to create interest in your business network and its applications, along with a description of the onboarding process and ongoing benefits to members. Create a membership policy that describes the benefits and requirements of membership in your Letter of Credit business network. Your policy should be no less than 1000 words and no more than 1500 words. The document you submit should in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) and be named using the following criteria: Your policy should include the following:
1) Purpose statement of the Letter of Credit business network
2) Description of the current (base) network (participants and functionality)
3) Brief description of upcoming features in the next quarterly release. (Be creative, but realistic here. Think about what the existing Letter of Credit application does, and what features you’d like to add that would increase the application’s usefulness and value. Analyzing current functionality and determining which features would best meet business needs will be a big part of assessing this assignment.)
4) Description of application upgrade process that may impact application availability and member business processes. (i.e. How does the business network organization plan to deploy new software features without causing substantial service interrruptions?)
5) List of rights and benefits for participants (how does each member benefit and what data/services are available for each member)
6) Membership requirements for new members (minimum security requirements, approval process, decision making rules and authorities, minimum required agreements that new members must accept and agree to)
7) Description of fees for participation and service access
8) Minimum member resource contributions to the business network
9) Process for ending participation in the business network
10) Process for resolving disputes, including appealing the outcome of a resolved dispute.
11) Course of action to initiate an application for membership