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Seattle University Verbal & Nonverbal Communication Essay


Need help with my Communications question – I’m studying for my class.

Chapter 7 covers nonverbal communication-a very important topic, since we’ve learned it makes up much of our communication and messaging, whether we like it or not. 

For this exercise, choose 2 of the below to discuss and feel free to merge these questions together in an essay format rather than answering them one at a time, if that would help with your presentation.

On page 224 in your text, you’ll see a table listing cultural differences in nonverbal comm and how they can lead to misunderstandings. Choose one from the list or an additional one not mentioned that you’ve experienced, and describe a personal experience with this. For example, I spent time in graduate school in Thailand and could explain how touch is very different there, both professionally with teachers and classmates, and socially when out with friends. If you have experiences like that, please feel free to share even if they are not included on that list! Please ensure to communicate respectfully on these topics.

On page 227 in your text, you’ll see an ‘On the Job’ discussion regarding nonverbal communication in job interviews. Describe a job interview you’ve had or facilitated and a positive or negative aspect of nonverbal communication on your behalf or on behalf of the interviewer or interviewee.

Discuss the exercise on page 234 of your text in creating a short guidebook on ‘The Rules of Touch’ for each of the 4 individuals listed.

Watch the Ted Talk on body language here and share a brief summary of your thoughts: 

  1. Amy cuddy Ted talk watch on youtube
  2. Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy