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Seattle University Communication Perception Essay


Chapter 4 draws our attention to what we all, at some point and time, take for granted–the process of perception. Our physiologies, cultures, social roles, and self-concepts all create unique world-views for each of us such that not one person can possibly understand and attend to the world in exactly the same way as another. For this assignment, let’s apply concepts from chapter 3 to our own lives in such a way that we can hopefully understand a little bit more about the perception process and how we can take steps to minimize the extent to which different perceptions leads to harmful conflict. 

For this assignment, you have options. You can choose 2 of the points below to address in your discussion OR if you choose #5, you only have to do one. 

Answers to the following questions should guide our discussion:

  1. Describe how the processes of selection, organization, interpretation, and negotiation shape communication in a given situation.
  2. Explain how influences on perception affect communication in a specific situation.
  3. Analyze how common perception tendencies have distorted your appraisals of another person, and hence your communication. Use this information to present a more accurate alternative set of perceptions.
  4. Demonstrate how you might use the skill of perception checking in a significant relationship.
  5. Enhance your cognitive complexity by applying the “pillow method” in a significant disagreement. Explain how your expanded view of this situation might affect your communication with the other(s) involved.

As always, your paper should be 1-2 pages minimum, in RTF format, and you should respond to at least 3 other students’ posts.

Also check out the Ted Talk here about the concepts of “self” and “otherness.” I love this Talk because she discusses differentiation and relationship around others as well. You can provide a brief overview of your thoughts on it–no need to type several paragraphs. Include a few sentences with a critical review (not “I agree with her” or “that was great.”) You guys will do well on this!