Business & Finance homework help

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Version 2
Calculating FTE’sClass—START HERE
1 FTE = 40 hours in one week Assume a 5-day work week unless otherwise stated.
The Pharmacy Department has a total of 14 employees. Eight employees who work
full time, four employees who work 15 hours per week and two employees who
work 8 hours per week, how many FTE’s work in the Pharmacy Department?
The Leonard and Penny Medical Billing Company has seven part time employees that
work 32 hours per week and five employees that work 24 hours per week, how many
annual hours do the part time employees work in the Leonard and Penny Medical
Billing Company? Convert this to FTE’s
The Broadway Medical Practice is opened Tuesday to Saturday and has a staff of
twelve employees, eight employees who work 16 hours a week and four employees
that work 8 hours a week. How many daily FTE’s work in the Broadway Medical
As the manager of the Extended Weekend Family Physicians Medical Office you are
evaluating your staffing as you are about to begin the budget process. You are
reviewing billing. In general, it takes 15 minutes to process a bill. Your goal is that 18
bills will be processed daily. The office is opened four days a week. How many weekly
hours are needed for this billing activity? Convert the hours to weekly FTE’s.\
You are looking at your staffing and budget to determine if you have adequate staff.
It takes 12 minutes to file the special radiologic films. On average 30 films are
processed daily. The office is opened 6 days week. How many weekly hours are
needed for this activity? Convert these hours to weekly FTE’s.