Business Finance Homework Help

Covid 19 Global Pandemic in The United States Discussion


I’m working on a management discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Find article about some current issue/event. The article/event must be within the last 2 years, and  related to one or more of the topics covered that week, or as indicated in this assignment.

Submit to Discussion Board

  • Citation. Include the proper citation in APA format. See the APA Style GuideLinks to an external site. produced by the UNH Writing Center.
  • If the article is in PDF or other downloadable format (rather than directly viewable on a web page), attach the file to your post.
  • Summary (2-3 sentences). Write a brief summary, and explain how it relates to the course content. Also relate it to some of your work, education, or personal experiences.
  • Discussion Question (1 question). Write a discussion question, as if you were going to use this article as the basis for a class discussion. The discussion should be open-ended and require thought and/or research to answer (not a yes/no, or just a factual response question from the article). 

Issue and Analyze the Relationship Between This Event in The Region and Economy