Business Finance Homework Help

CUSP Business Adoption of A Web Based Financial System Best Care Pharmaceuticals


FINAL PROJECT: Project Proposal/Methodology Draft

Take a look at the Business Case Template below. It contains all the main headers for your final paper. While you are not filling out this template, you will use it as a guide when you complete your own paper. The GREEN text explains what should go in each section and the BLACK text is an example of a fictitious project so you can get an idea of what it should look like. 

The following template will be used for your final paper. Notice that the template itself is approximately 5 pages long without any of your project details in it yet, so you should have no trouble at all coming up with the 10-12 page requirement for this paper. Please don’t pay attention to the page number as much as the content of each section. This professional paper should be one that you could turn over to your boss for implementation if possible, so write professionally and in 3rd person – no first person I, you, we, etc…

This business case template will be utilized as a starting point for a project that you would like to implement at work. You started to discuss this when you turned in your organizational overview paper. Now that you’ve identified an issue/opportunity – now you need to build out a business case for the change that you would like to implement. 

ONE IMPORTANT THING TO ADD TO THE TECHNOLOGY MITIGATION SECTION – the methodology that you will use to implement this change. Will a traditional waterfall methodology work to implement the change, or would agile work better? Perhaps a hybrid of each is necessary to first implement the change and then continuous improvement along the way? You decide and describe it in this section.

This first time through is just a draft with a final paper submitted in week 7. Do the best you can to complete at least 60% of the paper this week which means you’ll have that much less to finish next week. Once you have your paper complete you’ll want to start on that presentation draft for week 6 so consider how you’ll set this up as an MS PowerPoint slide deck as well! A draft of the presentation will be due in week 6 with the final slide deck and recorded demonstration due in week 7.