Business Finance Homework Help

University of Colorado at Boulder Rebranding Heiniken Beer Brand Proposal


Our Brand is heineken Beer. For my slides; I am doing my strategy as PRICE EVALUATION

  • Identify a gap or opportunity for the brand. *THIS IS PRICE EVALUATION FOR HEINIEKEN* What can they do to increase brand awareness, target a new demographic, or increase engagement? You may have a million ideas, but you are going to focus on 2 or 3 max.
  • Pitch your Strategy. This could be a social media campaign, a new logo or website a native advertising strategy (be specific about outlets, target and reasoning) or a piece of Content Marketing where you create a video, contest, Buzzfeed quiz, etc…
  • Justify your strategy. Why will this work? Give examples of other brands doing it right or provide evidence/reasoning.
  • Mock-up the Content. Here is where you showcase your strategy. show examples of what you’re going for in a logo/site so the client understands what you’re aiming for (a mood board with color choices and the aesthetic parameters).

I just need 3-4 short paragraphs that I can incorperate in my slides. Anything on a word document is fine and I will transfer.