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RES 7400 Ashford University Week 4 Factorial Designs Analysis Paper
Unlike the basic experimental designs discussed previously that included only one independent variable, factorial designs have more than one independent variable and generally include between two and four independent variables. Factorial designs allow researchers to study several independent variables at once, as well as the interactive effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Thus, factorial designs, in a sense, allow us to research more than one study at the same time. Select and review one of the five studies listed below and discuss the following:
- Provide a brief summary of the study and the methods used.
- Identify the independent variables, and the levels of each, and the dependent variable.
- Place the data into the correct cells of a factorial matrix
- In your own words, discuss what main effects and interactions were found. How would you interpret these results?
- Okediji, A.A., Etuk, A. S., & Nnedum, O.A.U. (2011). Influence of perceived co-worker involvement and supervisory support on job satisfaction. Ife Psychologia, 19(2), 28-42. [Retrieved from Proquest 400 words