Business Finance Homework Help

MBL 607 BUSINESS STRATEGY University of Phoenix Biopsychosocial and treatment


I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.

Task 1

Country : Australia

Service Required : Assignment

Subject : Business Strategy

Level of Study : MBA

Target Grade : MBA Merit

Length: 3250 Words (~13 pages)

Paper instructions : I will send full assignment brief, along with full

course content along with readings. Please ensure that you reference at

least 3 to 5 of the articles shown as readings in the course content.

Please ensure ALL references have URL’s attached, so I can go and ensure

their content and that they are correct.. all references in APA7


I am happy for you to use a well known Worldwide company eg Macdonals,

Apple, Samsung etc. One that has enough research content that can be

pointed too and can be relied upon.

Please have a minimum 25 references in the document.. and again pls have

url’s as I will be going into each of them to refer to the doc

/reference validity.

Please ensure full Brief is attended too along with headings.. I have

attached rubric also, please ensure this is covered correctly.

I will be sending through a reflective assignment request also for same subject shortly.

Task 2

Length: 1250 Words (~5 pages)

Delivery Time : 30 Days

Time for requesting changes : Standard 7 days

Paper instructions : I will send full reflective assignment brief, along

with full course content along with readings. Please ensure that you

reference at least 2 of the articles shown as readings in the course


Please ensure ALL references have URL’s attached, so I can go and ensure

their content and that they are correct.. all references in APA7


I will need you to use BT which is part of the Westpac Banking

Corporation group of companies.. I will send a work doc with some

further info for you to refer too. I need you to weave this into the

course content so it is reflective.

Reflective writing instructions are included to ensure you write it as required.

Please have a minimum 15 references in the document.. and again pls have

url’s as I will be going into each of them to refer to the doc

/reference validity.

Please ensure full Brief is attended too along with headings.. I have

attached rubric also, please ensure this is covered correctly.