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Yorkville University Bamboo House India Effective Project Management Case Study


Individual Case Study 1: Bamboo House India: Effective Project Management?

Weight 10% of the final grade

Due no later than 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 2

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  • Weight 10% of the final grade
  • Students are required to purchase this case using the link below:
  • Srinivas, V., Vemulavada, S., & Mora, S. (2010). Bamboo House India: Effective project management? IBS Case Development Center. Retrieved from
  • Objectives 
  • Upon successful completion of the case study, students should be able to
  • explain the concept of project planning and its significance,

identify the need and importance of project planning,

explore project planning of specific institution – Bamboo House India, and

analyse project planning process.


In the units of case study, there will be a short case study or technical question. The case method of learning requires that each student prepares for the case on his or her own. While there are no right or wrong answers, there are good and bad analyses, as well as hasty and impractical recommendations. The case study provides a realistic framework for the learning process. 

For online students, successful response will depend heavily on your preparation and active participation in the class discussions.  You will be rewarded by marshalling evidence in the case analysis and applying critical thinking of the course readings.  If you actively read and comprehend the assigned readings, you will be able to answer the case study question in a pragmatic manner. 

A technical question, such as the development of a scope statement, will require a technical answer that includes the proper industry components and in some cases, a correct answer or conclusion. Value will be given for a proper approach even if the final answer might miss the exact solution.

Instructions on the Case Study Analysis

In your analysis of this case, you must ensure that you include the following:

An introductory paragraph and a brief summary of Bamboo House India case study.

  • An explanation of the concept of project planning and its importance to effective project management.
  • Critically analyse how project planning was done in Bamboo House India 
  • Make at least three (3) recommendations for improving Bamboo House India’s planning OR if you believe there planning process was very well executed, describe three (3) instances where planning was done well – making specific references to the case.
  • A short paragraph as conclusion.

All submissions must be done through the online Turnitin portal in Moodle. Percentage similarity MUST NOT exceed 15%.

Submission Instructions

Read the Case Study associated with the specific unit carefully, then proceed as follows: 

Prepare a response that is 750 words (+/- 75 words, excluding title page and reference page), double-spaced, and follows APA format, and referencing style.

While there is no “formula” for analyzing case studies, the following guidelines are recommended:

Define the goals and objectives for your analysis. What questions are you trying to answer and what issues are you trying to resolve?

Rapidly skim through the case study and get a sense of how the case study has been structured

Read through the case study with paper and pencil and make notes as you go along

Structure the information in the case study: this is the key step.

  • Whilst addressing the case questions, think of the information given in the case study as “raw data” that you have gathered to help you answer the questions and resolve the issues in Step 2a above.

You need to structure this information to resolve the issues. Here are some useful dimensions along which you can structure the given information chronologically:

  • evolution of the industry in which the enterprise operates (e.g., changes in technology, customer needs, competitive landscape)

evolution of strategy – business, technology, and market – of the enterprise

  • evolution of technology (including manufacturing), product platforms, and product lines of the enterprise
  • the technology, product, and process development process within the enterprise
  • growth (or decline) of the enterprise with respect to market share, revenues, costs, profits, etc.

the organizational structure of the enterprise

key decisions made at different stages in the life of enterprise, and the drivers for these decisions

the interconnections and relationships between all the above factors

Make extensive use of figures, tables, trees, etc. to shape your thinking during the structuring process. 

Perform any necessary analysis, for example, revenues or costs associated with different design options

Draw conclusions, answer questions, resolve issues, and make recommendations using the structured information in Step 3.