Business Finance Homework Help

Delaware Technical Stanton Wilmington Nestle Porters Five Forces Question


Guidelines for the paper on the company Nestle

  • Provide a brief introduction to your assigned company (e.g. what is its business, in what market is it, how long has it been in business, etc.)
  • Apply each of Porter’s five forces to your assigned company, indicating the threat level (e.g. high, moderate or low) and why you have made this assessment.
  • Do NOT make recommendations for addressing these threats; only provide your assessment of the threats.
  • Include a graphic of the Five Forces model that provides a bulleted synopsis of your assessment for each of the five forces.

Criteria for the paper:

  • Minimum of four (4) pages, to maximum (5) five pages (not including Porter Model illustration, title page, or reference page and any additional appendices).
  • APA style and formatting required.However, no abstract is required for this paper
  • Include a 1-page graphic of the Porter model illustrating your analysis
  • Reference page and title page
  • Rubric:
  • Paper criteria:
    Minimum of
    four (4) pages, to maximum (5) five pages (not including Porter Model
    illustration, title page, or reference page and any additional
    APA style and formatting required. However, no abstract is required for this paper
    Include a 1-page graphic of the Porter model illustrating your analysis
    APA formatted reference page and title page
  • Writing style: concise, clear, masters-level, APA format
    Business style writing
    – writing is concise, clear, master’s-level, APA format, e.g. would be
    comfortable submitting the paper to senior-level leadership.
  • Five Forces graphic
    Prepares five forces graphic that clearly ties in with analysis
    -graphic is specific to and presents highlights of key aspects of student’s analysis
    -Ratings (e.g. high, moderate or low) identified for each Five Forces category
    – At least two reasons for the student’s rating in each category
    Hint: the graphic should be able to stand alone as a summary of your findings
  • Research elements
    Research sources are thorough and appropriate for business analysis; -. –
    must include Porter article reference and a minimum of 6 additional
    research sources from on the company company and industry.
    Note: textbook and company website may be used, but are in addition to the 6 research sources.
    In other words, Porter paper, textbook, and firm website are in addition to the 6 required research sources.
  • Introduction/Conclusion
    – Introduction: Clear and concise. 1 page maximum to include company and industry information
    – Conclusion: summarizes key points of paper and provides an
    evaluation of the company’s five forces strengths in relation to the
    industry as a whole.
  • Content of the paper
    Introduction: Clear and concise. 1 page maximum to include company and industry information.

    Analysis is concise, detailed, thorough; accounts for all five forces.
    – Each Porter force is discussed and applied to the assigned company and industry
    – Each force rating (e.g. high, moderate, or low) identified for each five forces category
    – Includes a minimum of two five forces characteristics applied and explained for each of the five forces

    Structures the paper in a readable and professional style, with section
    headings, including each of the Porter five forces applied to your
    assigned company

    Conclusion: summarizes key points of paper and provides an evaluation of
    the company’s five forces strengths in relation to the industry as a