Business Finance Homework Help

Value Proposition Ad Libs Worksheet


Discussion – Value Proposition (due to the 22nd of October)

After reading and watching the assigned resources on Value Proposition Canvas (list of the links below), discuss the main concepts presented in the chapters. 


7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen (Links to an external site.)

How To Develop A Compelling Value Proposition

Common mistakes to avoid when using the value proposition canvas (Links to an external site.)

The Value Proposition Canvas Explained (Links to an external site.)

Assignment – Value Proposition (due to the 24th of October)

Develop a value proposition for your personal start-up venture or business idea using the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) template found below. The VPC should be complete by starting on the left side of the canvas, the customer side. Take your time to think about the customer perspective and not just your views. Entrepreneurs make a commons mistake of assuming that the broader market feels the same way as they do. So review the market and look at trends, changes, and consumer behavior before developing your VPC.

Value Proposition Canvas (file attached below)

Also, create an adlib value proposition canvas based on your completed canvas. Use the template posted below to ensure

Adlib Value Proposition Statement (file attached below)

3. Submit the PowerPoint of your Value Proposition Canvas which includes (a) the completed Value Proposition Canvas and (b) the one-sentence value proposition