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Keiser Career College Greenacres Communication and Listening Skills Discussion


you should reply to classmates in any two of the other three threads – this is required, and responses posted to the same discussion you submitted your main post to will not be counted for peer credit. Responses to your classmates are due by Sunday

Hey Rochae,

I really enjoyed reading your discussion post. I too got a 45 on the listening inventory quiz. I was also very shocked, because I have been working on my listening skills, as they used to be even worse. I used to cut people off while they were talking, or not even listen to them at all. However, I know longer cut people off and I show people I am listening by showing eye contact and giving them all my focus. Listening is important because it is critical for effective communication (de Janasz et al., 2019). The act of listening demands attention, concentration, and effort. This can be done through passive, attentive, and active or empathetic listening. Passive listening is taking in information with no attempt to process that information. Attentative listening occurs when you are interested in the speakers message, but fil in the gaps with your own assumptions based on what you want to hear. Empathetic listening is the most powerful in which it is a vibrant two-way process that involves high levels of attentativeness (de Janasz et al., 2019). Like you, I realize that I am a more attentive listerner and when people are talking to me I tend to add things in that I want to hear, rather than listening to what else they were going to say. Therefore, I understand why I got a 45 on the listening inventory quiz and definetly have work to do in order to become a more empathetic listerner. I can do this by giving the speaker my full attention, concentration, and effort rather than just hearing them and not proccessing anything they say.

Rebecca Per

My score for the Listening Inventory Quiz was a 43. So, in other words I am an okay listener, but there is room for improvement. I agree with this score since I know that I can be an impatient listener at times. Since listening is the process of hearing someone speak and processing what you are hearing, to then demonstrate what you understood from the person’s conversation (De Janasz, Dowd & Schneider, 2018). Empathic listening was suggested to help improve my listening skills and take them to the next level. So basically, I need to learn to recognize a person’s emotions and perspectives when listening to them as well as asking open questions to help the person describe what they are trying to say to the clearest level of understanding. Potential strategies that can be used for this to help improve my future listening skills could be to try to out myself in that person’s shoes, aka looking from their point pf view, try not to fear silence when I am listening to someone speak but instead welcome the silence as a way to allow the person time to gather their thoughts and words to finish their point with a strong ending, and just pay attention to their body langauage. I know that I could always use improvement in listening since I am not one to like to hear when people are talking to talk, or talking to complain about everything, which has hendered my listening skills throughout the past years. I am a person that tends not to speak out to everyone in order for someone to listen to me and in a sense, have basically shut down my listening skills to the maximum effort that they could be at.