Business Finance Homework Help

HCL 499 National Louis University Medicine and Health Discussion


After reviewing the readings and video presentation on managing change models and transition to goal setting, which path and/or model do you think would work best for your case study company (Cedars-Sinai Women’s Heart Center) on employee turnover/employee retention?

Using your recommendations for your case study organization, share how you would use either Kotter, Lewin, or another business change model to effect the changes you have recommended in your Business Plan. Explain your answer and give some examples.

  • Read: Mind Tools Content Team. (2018). Kotter’s 8-step change model [Article]. Retrieved from Note: This is an overview of Kotter’s 8-step change model. The link also has a 3-minute lecturette on Kotter’s change model.
  • Read: Mind Tools Content Team. (2018). Lewin’s change management model [Article]. Retrieved from Note: Lewin’s change management model consists of three stages of change referred to as unfreeze, change, freeze (or refreeze). This link also has a 2-minute lecturette on Kotter’s change model.


  • Review the Vission vision and core values to ensure strategic intent creates a culture where the employee see their value and opportunity to grow.
  • Choosing diversity as part of the workforce. This is instrumental for any organization to be successful (Cloutier 2015).
  • Training and development programs. This will ensure that new hires and existing employees are getting the right training and provide opportunities for advancement.
  • Create a positive culture. Improve leadership communication. Better communication helps leadership provide employees with constructive feedback to better their jobs. This can attribute to improve an employee’s attitude toward work each day and patient care is no longer at risk.