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Strayer University Customer Relationships and Value Proposition Discussion


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What Key Resources does your Value Proposition require?

There are several types of value propositions envisioned by the offered services: performance, customization, “getting the job done”, cost reduction, risk reduction, accessibility and convenience/usability. (Strategyzer, 2021)

Key resources identified in delivering the value propositions are: the human resources capital, expert knowledge, intellectual property and computer software. (Oakley, 2021)

What Key Resources do your Customer Relationships require?

The operating models would address different types of customer relationships, they being either long-term, personal assistance, dedicated personal assistance, self-service and automated services. (Strategyzer, 2021)

Key resources identified to be needed will be: the human resources capital, expert knowledge, intellectual property and computer software. (Oakley, 2021)

What Key Resources for your Revenue Streams and Distribution Channels require?

The distribution channels were identified to be “owned direct” and revenue streams such as usage fees, subscription fees, licensing fees and lending/renting fees. (Strategyzer, 2021)

Key resources identified to be needed will be: the human resources capital, expert knowledge, intellectual property and computer software. (Oakley, 2021)
