Business Finance Homework Help

HCA 340 CSUDH Financial Viability of ED Observation Unit Billing Models Case Study


Prompt–Due Thursday 6/3- APA format- 2 references

Read the following case study and provide commentary/SWOT analysis related to current and previous module content and applicable theories and best practices:

Baugh, C. W., Suri, P., Caspers, C. G., Granovsky, M. A., Neal, K., Ross, M. A., & Hauswald, M. (2019). Financial viability of emergency department observation unit billing models (Links to an external site.). Academic Emergency Medicine, 26(1), 31.

Answer the following:

  • What were the strengths identified in the case?
  • What were the weaknesses identified in the case?
  • What were the opportunities identified in the case?
  • What were the threats identified in the case?
  • What methods were used to predict cash flow and return on investment?
  • Any recommendations or response to the situation based on facts, rules, or regulations?
  • Provide a description of how your recommendation or response may be different if you were able to include your personal values, world view and/or lived experiences (please be sure to engage in healthy dialogue to avoid creating a hostile learning environment).