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BUS 4474 Troy University Self Driving Car Discussion Board


Self-Driving Car Discussion Board

In our technological environment, companies create new technologies faster than human beliefs and institutions can change and adapt to them. This creates an ambiguous area within which companies find themselves operating. While their new product may not be restricted legally, it certainly can create some ethical dilemmas. The self-driving car is a prime example. For this assignment, watch the video below and respond to the question that follows. Your response to another student must help to advance the discussion. Statements such as “great response” or other platitudes without substantive thought are not acceptable. Students can use the 3CQ method for responses: compliment, comment, connect, and question.

Many people believe that autonomous cars will save a lot of lives—tens of thousands every year in the U.S. alone. Does that fact reduce the need to think about rare ethical dilemmas where a few innocent people may be injured or harmed? That is, does the greater good or utility excuse any bad outcomes? Can you think of scenarios—whether about robot cars or anything else—where the greater good does not justify a bad action, such as a few wrongful deaths?

Here is the video link