Business Finance Homework Help

CTC Management Discussion


Discussion board 2 (chapter 9)

1. Develop a response to this question.

  • As a supervisor, how would you respond to an employee that told you they were dissatisfied with their job but did not want to quit. What advice would you give them and why?

Reply Guidelines:

  • You MUST reply to at least three of your classmates’ posts and answer questions that your fellow classmates may have to get minimum credit for participation.
  • Type the name of the other student upon whose post you are commenting. For example, “Helen, you’re correct about the entrepreneurs giving back to the community.  The entrepreneurs contributing 3% of the net profit helped the community’s efforts to establish an afternoon program for latch key children…….”
  • Your reply MUST be at least one paragraph (minimum of 4 sentences).
  • If you do not reply to a total of three classmates, you will receive a 0. There is no partial credit for discussion boards.
  • That means if you only post your initial post, initial post and one response, or initial post and two responses you will receive a 0, because the assignment is not completed.
  • Each reply should be substantive and apply critical thinking.
  • That  means you MUST go beyond a courtesy response of “great post” or “nice job” to stimulate additional dialog and discussion. Reply messages such as “I agree” or “I disagree” do not count.
  • If possible, you should select a post that has not been reviewed.

Your writing should follow the MLA Handbook style. Proof your work carefully.