Business & Finance homework help


1) Submit in Blackboard for 25% credit towards final grade.

Due: per various dates listed in syllabus schedule of activities.

         Plagiarism will be checked by Professor with Safe-Assign within Blackboard.

2) Using chapter Power Point Slides (.ppt) found inside Cengage MindTap – Study Tools

          Research and compete the missing slide data in a brief sentence.

          Keep responses aligned with Cengage chapter resources (not your personal view).

3) Each chapter is due different dates, so separate papers will be needed to complete assignments. 

         No special paper format or number of paragraphs required.

         Sentence quantity is determined by (dot) bullet point or number indicators within .ppt slide for missing data.

4) A good idea is to copy paste each chapter onto a blank word .doc page.

Save with appropriate file name for each chapter. Once complete, attach file under the “Write Submission” area within this Blackboard link by clicking on picture of paper & pencil. Scroll downward.

5) On all papers, be sure to list your Name and Course: GEB1011-2213 #1838

Chapter 15 – Using Management and Accounting Information, Due: Feb. 22, 2021

         a)  Provide answers for the following slides #11, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 38, 41.

Chapter 16 Assignment (Required)

       Plagiarism will be checked by Professor with Safe-Assign within Blackboard. 2) Using chapter Power Point Slides (.ppt) found inside Cengage MindTap – Study Tools          Research and compete the missing slide data in a brief sentence.          Keep responses aligned with Cengage chapter resources (not your personal view). 3) Each chapter is due different dates, so separate papers will be needed to complete assignments.          No special paper format or number of paragraphs required.         Sentence quantity is determined by (dot) bullet point or number indicators within .ppt slide for missing data. 4) A good idea is to copy paste chapter onto a blank word .doc page.  Save with appropriate file name for each chapter. Once complete, attach file under the “Write Submission” area within this Blackboard link, by clicking on picture of paper & pencil. Scroll downward to see. 5) Be sure to list your Name and Course: GEB1011-2213 #1838 Chapter 16 – Mastering Financial Management, Due: Mar. 8, 2021            a) Provide answers for the following slides# 4, 16, 18, 19, 26, 31, 32, 35.