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SVC Creating a Learning Organization and An Ethical Organization Discussion


Activity 11
Chapter 11. Strategic Leadership: Creating a Learning Organization and an Ethical Organization


To have successful strategy and operations implemented and managed, organizations need to have strong leaders that are proactive, goal oriented and focused on the creation and implementation of a creative vision. Strategic leadership is explained at a high level through the strategic leadership model, which discusses the three interdependent activities that all successful leaders must continually be engaged in. The conversation of effective leadership is expanded on to include the two elements of overcoming barriers to change and using power effectively. As research expands on the importance of emotional intelligence within leadership, this chapter discusses the value of EI as well as its drawbacks. The importance of leaders cultivating a learning culture and enabling for the creation of an ethical organization is explored in this chapter. Specifically, the difference between integrity-based and compliance-based approaches in an ethical organization are discussed. The chapter concludes with the key elements that organization must have to become an ethical organization. 

Chapter 11. Strategic Leadership: Creating a Learning Organization and an Ethical Organization

Learning Objectives

  1. The three key interdependent activities in which all successful leaders must be continually engaged.
  2. Two elements of effective leadership: overcoming barriers to change and using power effectively.
  3. The crucial role of emotional intelligence (EI) in successful leadership, as well as its potential drawbacks.
  4. The importance of creating a learning organization.
  5. The leader’s role in establishing an ethical organization.
  6. The difference between integrity-based and compliance-based approaches to organizational ethics.
  7. Several key elements that organizations must have to become ethical organizations.


In this chapter we discussed the five elements of a “learning organization.” Select a firm with which you are familiar and discuss whether or not it epitomizes some (or all) of these elements.