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FIU Business Ethics Values Coat of Arms and Values Clarification Essay


1. Values coat of arms

This is an artistic assignment. Without putting much thought into the process, select five (5) values which come to mind immediately. Once you’ve identified the five values, draw a coat of arms. Divide the coat of arms into five sections. In each section of the coat of arms, draw an image that represents one of your five values. Fill each section of your coat of arms with a different image. If you can not draw, clip images from a magazine and paste an image(s) into each of the five sections of the coat of arms.

Once you have finalized your coat of arms, take a picture of the coat of arms with a mobile device and upload the image to Canvas. Please keep in mind that the coat of arms is representing the five values that you identified. If you spend too much time thinking about and selecting your top five values, then you probably don’t truly “subscribe” to them or live them day in and day out. The less time you spend selecting your five values the more likely it is that these five values are the values that form the essence of who you are as a person.

2. Values clarification

This paper is a self-reflection paper that will give you an opportunity to better analyze and define your personal and professional ethics and values system. Oftentimes people will wear different “hats” inside and outside of their work environments, or choose to engage with others through different identities. In this essay, identify whether you “live by” an ethics and values system that is common to both your personal and professional life. If not, write why you choose to wear different “hats” or “live by” two ethics and values systems. If you are unlike most people and you operate from one ethics and values system in and outside of your work environment, write why and how.

The purpose of this paper is for you to begin thinking (if you have not already done so) about your modus vivendi and modus operandi especially within the context of a business environment. In summary fashion, a narrative offers you an opportunity to think and write about yourself. When you write a narrative essay, you are telling a story. Narrative essays are told from a defined point of view, often the author’s.

Assignment Content & Formatting

Please address the following four points in your paper:

  • Use the five values that you identified during the Coat of Arms assignment for this assignment. The five values from your coat of arms should form the foundation of your personal and or professional values system;
  • Determine whether you “operate” from two separate values systems–one personal values system and one professional values system or whether you “operate” from one values system;
  • Why do you believe you must “operate” from one or two values systems in a business setting/environment?
  • Explain a “real” situation in which your values system/s was/were challenged, compromised, or questioned. How did this make you feel? Why did you “stand your ground” or why did you “bend” or “give in” when your values system/s were challenged, compromised, or questioned?