Business & Finance homework help

The main deliverable is your paper based on your findings, but please also submit an Excel file where you did your analysis. It can be useful to see what steps you took and how you examined your data. If you are going to reference a table in your report, please include it in the appendix of your report and not just in your Excel file. Everything you reference in your report should be in that file. You need to also analyze and make tables through excel file on that file ( Pivot Table, Regressions, etc).
This written report will prepare your peers and others to understand your analysis and to help build the final presentation for Katherine Graham. Clear and concise writing is vital to your success, as is careful attention to the report format. You have been tasked with looking for how the different survey results impact customer loyalty (cloy) at the different branches.
Report Format
The report is to be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and 11 point Calibri font. The page limit for each section will be strictly enforced: any text in excess of the page limit will not be read. As always in the business world, the clarity of your writing will strongly affect the value of your work.
Any visual aids such as tables, graphs or diagrams must be discussed in the main body of the report, but should be placed in an appendix so they do not count against the page limit. Effective visual aids will greatly increase the impact of your report. Any graphs may be done in Excel, Chart Wizard, be hand-annotated, or be hand-drawn.
Title Page (1 page)
Title of your report
Your name
Overview (1 page)
Business Overview
Briefly summarize the situation being analysed by Jack Wiley and Scott Brooks for NCB and Katherine Graham. This section should help someone who is not familiar with the situation be able to understand and follow the rest of your report.
Analysis (5 – 5.5 pages)
Initial Impressions: 
Take a look at the data and address its quality. Are there any records that you think have serious problems? If there are, why do you say there is an issue with them and exclude them from your analysis. Also, add any comments about how the data was collected and how this could impact the results.[1]
Find a couple of branches for me that seem to be doing well (looking at cloy) and a few others that are worse than the others and briefly discuss their similarities and differences. Are there any connections within the group branches that are performing well and the group that is performing poorly?
Before running any analysis, pick out five (5) variables that might be related to customer loyalty and predict the direction of the relationship. Please state these which ones you chose and what direction you think the relationship will be in your paper. Find a way to display this part so it is easy on the reader.
Analysis (continued)
Initial Overview: 
Create one correlation matrix for all of the employee variables (E – M) and customer variables (N – R). Comment on any strong or interesting correlations that you find.
Predictions of Loyalty
Start by creating a Pivot Table and look at the average values for each of the employee and customer variables. (You can include the Pivot Table results in your appendix.) Is there anything that catches your attention as being interesting? If so, and provide a little explanation about what you think could be going on.
Also, run some regression to try to predict customer loyalty by using the employee and customer variables. Due to the limited number of responses for each branch, use a 0.25 p-value when deciding to include or exclude variables. Include the final regression equations in this section, and note in some way if any of the variables are below a 0.05 p-value. Which measures are related to customer loyalty for all branches together?
After running the analysis for all branches at once, split the data up into four groups based on branch location and a customer’s frequency of contact. The focus here is to see if these different groups of branches have different drivers of customer loyalty. Repeat the analysis above for each of these four sub groups. How are the final equations for these subgroups different from the regression equation for all branches and between each other? What does this tell you about the differences in branch types?
Depending on the space available, you may need to perform additional analysis to fill out your report. The following are some optional things to look into.
Look at the other variables (bsize, teltr, and prod) to see if there are any patterns with that data between the four branch groups. Use both Pivot Tables and run new regressions including those variables. This is in addition to, not replacing, what you did earlier in the Analysis section.
Look at the branches in larger groups, split by branch location or split by customer’s frequency of contact. How do those splits change your analysis compared to the branches as a whole and the four subgroups? This is in addition to, not replacing, what you did earlier in the Analysis section.
Conclusion (0.5 – 1 page)
This section is intended for your peers who want to quickly glance at your findings. Also, comment about any hypotheses made before the project. Were any of your findings a surprise?
[1] You do not need to do any extra research about survey design for this. You were hired to analyze the data, not design the surveys.
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