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Assessing a Client Who Is Unemployed and Looking for A Job Discussion Questions


1. If you have not already done so, review the Strong Interest Inventory® Profile and Interpretive Report, linked in the Resources, for this discussion. Describe how you would present the assessment results for Jane Sample. Be certain to provide a description of what the inventory measures, including what it can and cannot determine. Assume you have met Jane in your role as an addiction professional and she is in early recovery. unit 7-addictions class. 

2.For this discussion, review Chapter 10, “Fundamentals of Career Assessment” from the Assessment in Counseling: Practice and Applications ebook. Select one of the instruments from the chapter and discuss how you might incorporate it into the assessment process for a client that is unemployed and looking for work. Include in your discussion the importance of vocational rehabilitation for people with substance use disorders.- unit 7 addictions class

3.In 1933, Harry Hopkins, one of FDR’s top advisors, argued that public welfare should not be a haven for professional social work practice. In the 1960s, the Public Welfare Association asserted that having social workers in public welfare programs would not only improve the life of poor families, but also reduce the number of welfare recipients.

Why did the NASW support the separation of social services from cash assistance in the 1970s?

Has this separation helped or hindered the social welfare profession? The poor? Why or why not?

4.Explain how the Economic Opportunity Act and the War on Poverty caused a shift in social work’s views on social welfare and the profession itself.