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WU Social Media and Organization Behavior Essay


Think about the daily work routine and the role of the Internet and social media in completing aspects of your job or the job of someone you know. Consider the advantages and vulnerabilities created by social media and the Internet that impact how people work today.

Chapter 9 of the course text traces the evolution of Organizational Behavior (OB) and highlights how the Internet and social media influence management practices in the 21st century. For this first Discussion, draw on the reading this week and your own experiences to share your views on how social media and the Internet impact OB.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a 200- to 300-word statement that expresses your thinking on the following:

How have you experienced the use of social media and the Internet within your organization, and what are the pros and cons of this social media and Internet use? Reflect on your experience with the 24/7 news cycle, e-mail, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and any other mediums or platforms you have used or seen. Use the course text or Internet resources to support your answer. Cite your sources in appropriate APA format and style.