Business Finance Homework Help

Operations Management Presentation


Please create a PowerPoint like the example I attached describing an operations issue within a business unit that you know as an employee or as a customer. The assignment is to ensure that the problem being addressed is an operational issue and not strategic, or so large in scale that it would take years to address. Operations Management deals with the day-to-day processes of running efficiently so focus on something that can have measurable results on a short-term basis. Please include these three things: Name and background information of your organization, 3 – 5 problem statements written in the form of a research question, and Metrics. Also please answer the following questions in a separate Microsoft Word document. Please answer the following questions and submit them for grading. Note: Please ensure you are incorporating APA standards (i.e., title, body (questions and answers with supporting citations), and Reference list).

1. What is operations management and how has it evolved since World War II in the United States?

2. What impacts have technology and the global economy played on operations management?

3. How does operations management help firms compete?

4. Why are business units bundling manufacturing with services in their market offerings?

5. Describe Value Added Chain Management. Why is it important to an organization? How does it impact an enterprise’s competitive edge?