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Ohio Christian University Business Effective Leadership Action Plan


Thinking Traits Action Plan

Objective: Write an action plan regarding effective leadership thinking.


We have studied Scripture, Maxwell, and ourselves. Now it is time to combine the assimilation of Scripture, experts, and our current thinking processes and move toward a higher plane of leadership thought, laying out an action plan for ourselves.

In this learning activity we will bore into our own brain (and heart) to come up with a plan, after having done some serious introspection and examining our own motives and thoughts regarding leadership. Now it is time for action based on the deep self-examination that you accomplished in the last activity.

  • Write a 2-3 page action plan for effective leadership thought.
  • Include the following:
    • What have you learned from Paul, Nehemiah, and other Scriptures?
    • What have you learned from Maxwell and other leadership scholars?
    • What did you learn from self-reflection?
    • Based on all that, what do you need to change internally to move to a higher plane of leadership thought?
    • In summary, what is your plan to change for moving toward effective leadership thought?
  • Feel free to use not only the Pauline passage in Philippians and Maxwell, but also other Scriptures. Use at least one additional leadership resource outside of the texts and the dictionary.