Business Finance Homework Help

ISM 4041 University of South Florida The Case of The Misbegotten Memo


Part 3—Make a Final Choice

After considering the duties that you have in this situation to Annette and Véracité and after thinking about what action will support good ethical results, the time has come to make your final choice.

As you remember, the issue that you have to resolve is how to benefit consumers and advance your company’s goals while honoring the standards that protect confidential information. The values in tension are the health concerns of the public and the need not to encourage Véracité’s potentially illegal actions.

Below is a list of all the options we’ve been exploring. Choose the one that, after reflection, you believe is the most ethical course of action and best resolves the values in tension in this particular problem. After you’ve chosen, you’ll have the opportunity to write a brief memo supporting your decision.

What is your final decision?

Do not use Annette’s memo to harm FRP. You can’t trust Véracité’s information because their violation of the principles of confidentiality and their methods are clearly questionable. Publicly report Véracité’s actions and assist in filing formal charges of hacking. You know right from wrong even if they don’t.

In order to meet the public’s goals as quickly as possible and to help G-BioSport maintain its market advantage, leak Annette’s memo to the press or those who would get the information out both to the FDA and the public. To protect Annette’s privacy, remove her name from the memo you send.

Ask Véracité how they obtained the memo. If it was illegally obtained, cease working with them your principle of working with people who value honesty. Do not use the memo to harm FRP because the principle of privacy is more important than the material gain.

Do not use the memo to harm FRP because the principle of privacy is more important than the material gain. Because Véracité otherwise did good work, continue working with them but carefully check any other information they send you. You’re not responsible for ensuring that they live into their own core values.

In order to achieve G-BioSport’s goals and maximize your profit, use the memo to build a marketing campaign against FRP. When their drug is released, deploy the marketing to discredit their product. The public may have to deal with an unsafe drug for a short time, but only a small percentage of people will be affected.

In order to create the greatest good for the largest stakeholder group—the public—consult with your friend Norman in the FDA on the best means of proceeding. He is best positioned to find a win-win solution that ensures public safety. You’ll also meet your goal of keeping G-BioSport safe from repercussions.