Business Finance Homework Help

Eastern Gateway Community College Lesson 7 Dealing with Gifts and Conflicts of Interest Discussion


Choose 5 questions to write about out of the following. No less than a one-page response.

  1. Why do gifts create conflicts of interest?
  2. What is the main advantage and disadvantage of dealing with gifts and conflicts of interest by prohibiting the acceptance of gifts?
  3. What questions could you ask yourself to help frame the question as to whether you can ethically accept a business-related gift?
  4. What’s the difference between a conflict of interest and the appearance of a conflict?
  5. What’s the difference between a gift and a bribe?
  6. What’s the difference between a bribe and a kickback?
  7. Create a hypothetical third-party obligation involving an employee of a major company.
  8. What does it mean to deploy weaponized ethics?
  9. What questions can be asked to help determine whether whistle-blowing is justified?
  10. What questions can be asked to help determine whether whistle-blowing is ethically required?
  11. Why might an employee hesitate before whistle-blowing?
  12. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act tries to protect whistle-blowers. Why is it not very effective?
  13. Name an organization that might inspire obedience loyalty. Why is obedience inspired? What does this loyalty look like?
  14. Name an organization that might inspire balanced loyalty. Why is it inspired? What does this loyalty look like?
  15. Name an organization that might inspire an attitude of free agency. Why is it inspired? What does this free agency look like?
  16. What are some of the ways stress at work can cause unhappiness in life?
  17. Why is the office an important scene of romance in today’s world?
  18. What do you imagine the rewards of status to be?
  19. What kind of work contract would encourage slackerism?