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Olivet Nazarene University Conflict Management Survey Worksheet & Paper


Hello, I need to write around 1.5 – 2 pages of analysis. It is based on the short survey. The topic is Conflict Management


Your highest score is your dominant conflict management strategy. All of us use all four strategies at one time or another. Your dominant style is the one you prefer and will certainly come out in more intense conflict situations. Knowing your style will help you be more effective in dealing with conflict.

Column 1. Competition. When one party seeks to achieve certain goals or to further personal interests, regardless of the impact on the parties to the conflict, he or she competes and dominates.

Column 2. Collaboration. When each of the parties in conflict desires to satisfy fully the concerns of all parties, we have cooperation and the search for a mutually beneficial outcome. In collaboration, the behavior of the parties is aimed at solving the problem and at clarifying the differences rather than accommodating various points of view.

Column 3. Accommodation. When the parties seek to appease their opponents, they may be willing to place their opponents’ interests above their own. In order to maintain the relationship, one party is willing to be self-sacrificing.

Column 4. Avoidance. A party may recognize that a conflict exists but react by withdrawing from it or suppressing the conflict. Indifference or the desire to evade overt demonstration of a disagreement can result in withdrawal.

If Score A is significantly higher than Score B (25 points or more), it may indicate a tendency toward assertive conflict management. A significantly higher B score signals a more conciliatory approach.