Business Finance Homework Help

Florida International University Job Satisfaction Discussion


by downloading the PowerPoint slides below and reviewing the slides and the notes under the slides. Please note that you need to download the slides completely to be able to view the notes under the slides. :)I just need you the read the power point and answer the following questions

1) What are the top things you learned from this week’s content (e.g., PowerPoint slides and the notes under the slides, videos, readings)? You can list one, two, or three things.

2) From what you learned, is there anything (You can list zero, one, two, or three things) that you would genuinely like to put into practice in your personal or work life? If so, what would that be and how would you do that?

3) Feel free to share anything else that is in your pure heart to share. 🙂

4)Also, i need you to read the following post and give an opinion about it

  • by finding what is my finding, what is my purpose once I leave this university. by looking what are my strengths and by finding what i enjoying doing, only those can help me find what I enjoy doing and can help find me a company where I can be happy and express my meaning within the company as well. if i am going to work for a company, I want to be happy and proud to work under them and their direction. how can I find a company that I can work for and be happy, by looking at their mission statement and at their employee reviews in order to get a better perspective on how they treat and handle their employees.