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B267 PLA2476 Rasmussen College Employment At Will Doctorine Question



Summarize the employment-at-will doctrine, both statutory and common law exceptions.


You are the newest HR associate at a well-known corporation. An employee has contacted you with a grievance.

The following information is shared during your conversation:

The employee has just been discharged from their long-term job. They were not represented by a union contract, and over the past thirty (30) years, they had enjoyed a generally pleasant work environment. The employee emphasizes that a recent change in leadership has been causing significant hostility and intimidation throughout the office, and the employee is convinced these factors culminated in their termination. The employee strongly believes the action is without merit and is seeking damages/compensation from the employer.

The employee wants to know what the legal rights are. You are going to consult with the in-house legal department. You will also need to review and utilize the employee’s file. Access the file below.



Prepare a 2-3 page memorandum prior to the meeting with the legal department addressing the next questions:

  • What are the major issues that you have identified based on the employee’s concerns?
  • Complete research to identify legal or regulatory information that supports the employee’s position.
  • What are some of the possible arguments against either the employer and/or the employee?
  • What are some of the likely outcomes in this matter?

Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page according to APA guidelines.