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Holy Spirit and Importance of Proper Planning Discussion


There are 4 responses. Write a 100 word response for each one.

Response 1.) S

“And when you are brought to trial in the synagogues and before rulers and authorities, don’t worry about how to defend yourself or what to say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what needs to be said” (Luke 12:11-12 New Living Translation). The Holy Spirit will help us not only in court but also in all kinds of circumstances. The Spirit speaks through us. The vocal gifts of the Spirit include prophecy, the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, speaking in tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.

Through research, I learned a great deal about best practices for making an oral presentation. One of the first things that I learned was the importance of organizing your thoughts and developing an outline that gives flow, identity, and transition throughout the process. The next important step is to make notes that are effective. Brief reminders of what to say are great steps to stay on course and deliver the material with confidence. Next, it is imperative to practice the material for the presentation. The more you practice your presentation, the more comfortable you will be in front of an audience. Practice in front of a friend or two and ask for their feedback. Record yourself and listen to it critically. Make it better and do it again.


The Holy Bible

Response 2.) O

From researching the best practices for making an oral presentation, one of the best practices that I learned was to organize your thoughts. By doing this, it allows you to have an outline of what you are presenting without having too many words and always looking down. This also makes it easier for a good transition between your sections. Another best practice that I learned was to have a strong opening. Having a strong opening would catch the audience’s attention and keep them interested in what is next to come. It has been said that a good way to open up a presentation is to begin with a question, whether or not an answer is expected. Defining terms early, is another practice that I learned from research. This will come in handy, so that you will not have to stop to explain it when the word comes up. It is best to introduce these words early in the presentation because if the audience do not know what these words are, they may easily get confused. Lastly, the practice that I feel is most important when doing oral presentations is to practice, practice, practice. The more you practice your material, the more comfortable you will be in front of your audience.

“So with yourselves, if with your tongue you utter speech that is not intelligible, how will anyone know what is said? For you will be speaking into the air.” 1 Corinthians 14:9. This scripture tells us that when we are speaking with others, to make sure that we speak correctly otherwise, it would just be useless. Majority of the practices that I mentioned above, I have been able to integrate in my presentation. The others mentioned, the next time I have an oral presentation, they will be integrated.

Response 3.) O

Just like rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was a challenge but also important to Nehemiah, the capstone research project is for me. Although there are great odds that has been faced, it must be done in order to complete this master’s program. Nehemiah was a great and courageous man who knew what had to be done and planned accordingly. One thing that can be learned from Nehemiah’s approach to project management is that planning is everything. Nehemiah just did not go and rebuild that wall without knowing what needed to be done and how it was going to be done. So, with this capstone research project, I planned everything so that when it was time for it to be due, all my planning would come together to make that perfect paper.

Nehemiah exemplifies the interplay between prayer, planning, and hard work. These three attributes are integral to project management. Just like Nehemiah, I continuously pray, have started planning out my material and I have always believed in hard work. These three attributes will ensure that I am able to not only complete my capstone research project but get the best grade that I can get. “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5. This scripture tells us how important planning is and those who do not plan usually ends in penury. Things are slowing coming to an end for this master’s program and I just want to ensure that I have done my best to end it with nothing but the best.

Response 4.) S

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13 New Living Translation). One of the hardest things to do as a Christian is to have faith that God is working and allow him to bring you out of the fire without the smell of smoke on your clothes. It is imperative to have confidence in God and trust in His timing.

As manager of your capstone research project, I can learn a great deal of knowledge from Nehemiah’s approach to project management. The book of Nehemiah is full of examples of leadership. Instead of complaining, Nehemiah took action, and God used him to accomplish one of the Bible’s seemingly impossible tasks. Nehemiah prayed constantly and derived power and wisdom from his relationship with God. Everything he did glorified God. His leadership skills show us how we can overcome opposition to build great things.

The more important the task, the greater the conflict you may face. Nehemiah discovered this firsthand as he tried to rebuild Jerusalem. I must follow his lead and pray for a sound mind as I prepare the capstone research project. I must keep my focus on the task at hand. I must not be swayed by people who slander or taunt me. Instead, I must obey God and give everything I have to the project.