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NYIT Old Westbury Leading Teams and Leading Collaboration Deliverable Essay


This is a practical application assignment. Address the following in a 500-750-word application essay:
Think of how you as a leader can develop your skills around team leadership. What are the key elements for a leader to “lead” a team of individuals? What are some of the pros and cons?
How would you approach team leadership if you were given the opportunity? In addition, how can you as a leader increase collaboration among your teammates and/or within your department organization to make it higher performing or more effective?
Use chapters 11 and 12 (Credentials attached) in the text as a guide and also ensure you are researching external articles to support your work.Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used.
References to your textbook and at least two additional scholarly sources that are no more than five years old are required for graduate-level work. In addition to your 500-750-word essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page