Business Finance Homework Help

FIDM Luxury Brand Management Questions


Chapter 10:…

Complete the required reading and answer the below questions.

  1. Applying diagnostic tools such as the purchase funnel assessment, provides brand managers with a set of tools and a sequence of consumer actions that can be monitored to discern healthy or unhealthy brands. What are the stages, and which do you think is of special importance to monitor and why? (Ch. 10)
  2. David Aaker’s Brand Loyalty pyramid develops a 5-tier model framed by consumer shopping behavior/attitudes toward a brand. Outline the 5 types of consumers and how you as a brand manager, might use this model to devise business strategies. (Ch.11)
  3. The digital challenge to luxury can be found in the phrase that luxury brands “must stay true to the luxury experience.” What specific strategies must be followed for luxury brands to achieve this idea? What other challenges in terms of online consumer segments must also be addressed? (Ch. 13)
  4. A classic issue and challenge for global brands in foreign markets is standardization versus adaption. Explain the general distinction between the two strategies and give examples of how luxury and non-luxury brands manage this challenge. (Ch. 14)