Business Finance Homework Help

MAR 2011 Hillsborough Community College Building customer Relationship Essay


This Marketing Reflection is OPTIONAL and worth 25 points for EXTRA CREDIT. The assignment is due on Sunday the final week of class.

Submit a word document in which you answer the following questions in complete sentences with correct grammar/punctuation/spelling. Each answer should be at least 2 paragraphs in length at the minimum. NOTE: Be sure you refer to the textbook or other resources, remembering to provide citations.

#1 (10 points)

Explain what you learned about the importance of at least one of the following:

– engaging customers

– building customer relationships

– creating value for customers

How can you apply this knowledge to your current or future job?

#2 (10 points)

Discuss how understanding the marketing environment related to age generations (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millenials, Generation Z) will assist in marketing efforts of an online product. Address at least two of the age generations in your answer.

#3 (5 points)

What did you find to be the most beneficial concept your learned in this class and why?