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Non Customers Marvel Discussion Responses


1. Who were the non-customers Marvel targeted?

Marketing low-cost comic books for children would not sustain the business. Marvel decided to attract non-customers who weren’t interested in their products. The company entered a blue ocean in the sixties, making comicbooks for non-customers and created characters geared towards an older audiance, college students. Marvel also focused on discovering the new customer base which wasn’t explored earlier and targeting the refusing customers as well, who even though were aware of the product, but choose to be reluctant.

2, There were several attempts to explain Marvels Succcess via competitive strategy but they fall flat: competitive startegy, with this specific case neither predicts nor explains the outcome why?

Marvel’s success can not be explained by their competitve startegy because Marvel wasn’t competing with any other companies, especially DC comics. But at the opposite, they were trying to get back to industry after losing focus in their core businesses, and diversifying their portfolio on different other sectors,which made them far from other big brands such as DC comics. The strategic moves, and repositioning that was always followed by Marvel in order to be in a blue ocean is the one that allowed the company to be successful after facing bankrupcy in 1996.


Olenick, M.(2016). The Marvel Way: Restoring a Blue Ocean.