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Middle East College Managing Change Introducing New HR Analytics at PDO Report



To effectively implement a change in your own professional life.

For this assessment, we would like you to determine one change you wish to make in your professional life and implement the change as you progress through this course. This could mean anything like introducing a new system into your workplace. You can choose the nature of the change but it should be something you can realistically seek to achieve.

We would like you to write a report detailing your programme of change. You should outline why you selected this change, the planning process, and how the change was implemented.

Make sure to: (Assignment MUST cover the below)

1- State clearly the nature of the change you wish to bring about, why you wish to introduce it, and the timeframe involved.

2- How you intend to make it, indicating a timeframe for the implementation of the change. In addition, what is the planning process of the change?

3- How was the change implemented? Use the planned approach (Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze) to change successfully

4- Identify any resistance and challenges as well as how they were overcome.

Use the Lewin’s Force Field Analysis framework to illustrate the driving and restraining forces acting upon you as you began the change process.

driving change fall into two categories: external and internal.

restraining forces that are working in opposition to the change:

1- Employee-Based Restraining Forces (Local Self Interest, Habit, Misunderstanding, Low Tolerance of Change, Fear of the Unknown)

2- Organisational Barriers to Change (Structural inertia, Existing power structures, Resistance from work groups, Failure of previous change initiatives)

3- Poor Change Management

5- Assess likely resistance to change and how you plan to approach it, or how you overcame it.

6- Evaluate how successful the change has been by the submission date for the report, considering your initial plan, the processes involved and the outcomes so far.