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Santa Monica College Operations management Discussion Posts


I need you to write about two paragraphs making comments on each peers post. they are both based on the same question each one just formatted it differently so disregard that. I just need you to have a the post sound like youre having a conversation with the peers.

peer 1

Operations management is a vital aspect of any organization as it defines the criteria on the “how” to perform one’s job. It provides the skill sets necessary to work efficiently at a productive rate beneficial to the organization. A prime example of operational importance we learned in a previous class is how Starbucks engineered their employee production, shaving off seconds in the preparation of a single coffee drink that had an end result of saving the company millions of dollars. Each industry within service or production has its own unique needs to be effective in a competitive world. Gaining competitive advantage requires operational management to balance all aspects of productivity, from the quality of a product or service to the manner in which the employees perform each task from beginning to end. Customization inside a company like Amazon where the use of robots to streamline order filling has shown success.
Various supervisory roles manage processes within a company from business operations, purchasing, and material management, to research and service performance. All these require a skill set that oversees and directs daily operations. Design of these behind the scheme jobs helps increase performance where hiring the right individual to do a task is as important as the layout and tools required for the desired outcome. Service sector jobs range from laborers to professionals, each requiring their own expertise. Quality control and process capacity also play an important role in the development of a productive environment. In my opinion, no job is mindless; only the effort behind it is common. Success in operational management is being able to zoom in on minuscule detail without losing sight of the macro goals of the company.

peer two1. From your perspective coupled with the reading material, why is Operations Management important in today’s global markets? Do not copy what is in your textbook. Think about this.

Operations Management is very important in today’s global market for so many reasons, one of the main reasons is the productivity being analyzed with taking action of next steps for an efficient business. Learning about the Operational Manager role through the text in table 1.1 with Operations for Increase Contribution, I literally became appalled. Living in today’s Ecommerce society, as a business owner we must think of more than just sales and marketing but the overall production cost. I myself, who is in sales, always thought, I am the reason this business is running, my ability to be in the top for selling is the reason this business is at float. Well not anymore, I no longer think this way after understanding a bit more of Operation Management roles.

The Operations Management role today is crucial for businesses to stay at float and competitive. Being able to reduce production costs and finding profitable advantages is a key strategy that an Operational Manager will bring to the table.

2. What Operations type jobs are prominent in the current job listings?

The prominent type of jobs with Operation Management is being able to structure the business from day to day activities, all the way to the undergoing challenges. The Operation Management is in charge of the flow of the business operations which starts from the very beginning of opening a business to the core of what keeps the business successful. The listing of Operational job roles can be as follow; the scheduling, inventory, cost, pricing, storage, hiring, firing, location and many more roles that an Operational Manager would be in charge of.

3. What skill sets are required to work in that type of job?

The fundamentals of an Operational Manager is designed for someone who has incredible critical thinking, analytical, and creative skills. The skills of being able to do some quick math and draft up a cost savings plan is also needed. An Operation Manager is constantly reviewing data and analyzing the business operational flow, for example, would purchasing new equipment help with overall production cost? Operational Managers are constantly making decisions to help the overall cost of the business to stay profitable and sufficient. Having the ability to make quick strategic decisions as an Operation Manager is important to the growth of any business.


Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2019). Operations Management (13th Edition). Pearson Education (US).…