Business Finance Homework Help

GEB 3020 RC Findings and Summary Recommendations for Apple Inc Presentation


Using the information that you have compiled over the past four modules, prepare your summary recommendation
for Apple Inc. and its plan to expand internationally. Remember that
the company is trying to raise $50 million to expand via an IPO and debt

Create a minimum of 15 slide
presentation detailing your findings. Your recommendation should be 3-4
slides. Note that the title slide and reference slides are not included
in the minimum of 15 total slides. Be sure to include academic
references in your presentation as well as any charts or graphs to
convey your financial information.

Include a summary in the deliverable from Modules 02-04 in the presentation.

Your slides should flow as a cohesive presentation, not a patchwork of distinct pieces of information.

Be Sure to Include:

1. Clear statement of capital structure- how much debt/equity, etc. *Be exact and definitive.

2. 5 year projections of revenue returned using NPV method to discount those amounts to present

3. CAPM- to show how you arrived at the cost of your equity

4. WACC, to show your total cost of capital for the project.