Business Finance Homework Help

The Problem Statement High Employee Turnover Discussion


The Problem Statement

At the end of your program, your final, culminating deliverable will be a case study or a consulting project among other projects. To complete this task effectively, one of the first steps is to write a properly phrased problem statement. This assignment will allow for an initial practice of developing a general problem statement and a specific problem statement. Before starting on this assignment, ensure to read Chapters 3 and 4 in your textbook Research Methods for Business as you will gain an understanding of identifying and narrowing down a research problem.

Based upon the research you would conduct for your final project in this course,  either find a business problem from the literature or use an existing problem within a business. The problem should be one that you are interested in researching and MUST be a business problem. Once identified, write a properly formatted general problem statement, as well as a properly formatted specific problem statement. This should be a very carefully worded statement that clearly states the problem to be solved. The general problem should begin exactly as follows: The general problem to be addressed is (then state your problem)…resulting in..(then state the consequences of the problem)… Likewise, the specific problem is narrower in scope and labeled similarly: The specific problem to be addressed is..(state the problem)…resulting in..(state the consequences of the problem)… 

Both the problem statements must include supporting information to assist in explaining the problem and must contain at least three scholarly sources to substantiate the problem. Scholarly sources should ideally be within the last three to five years. Proper APA formatting should be used, including a title and reference page. Your submission should consist of the following sections and criteria: