Business & Finance homework help

Task 02 – CSR and Triple Bottom Line All businesses must make money. But triple bottom line (TBL) companies realize that they can do more. This idea has only recently gained traction in the corporate world, but now that it has, the triple bottom line is driving the decision-making of the world’s top brands.
Requirement: You are required write a report critically evaluating the theme/concept of TBL by discussing its implications for business organizations. (You can also discuss merits and demerits of the TBL as they apply to business organizations.)
You should base your input for this report purely from academically accepted research sources such as research articles, and conference papers. You should restrict your search sources to the academic databases made available at Google Scholar. You should use a minimum of TWO (2) reference sources in compiling this report.  (10 marks) (Maximum word count 1000 words +/- 10%)
Summary of task:
-Definition of Corporate of Social Responsibility (CSR) and example and how help company.
-Definition of Triple Bottom Line (TBL) and explain impact in three final points: people, profit and plant and give example.
-Positive and negative of Triple Bottom Line (TBL).
-Recommendations for Triple Bottom Line (TBL).
Your assignment should be structured as follows;

  • Title page
  • Content page

– Introduction
– Content
– Conclusion

  • References

The following factors will be considered when the lecturer marks your report.

  1. Understanding: You need to show that your in-depth knowledge in relevant area tested above and efficient application of your theoretical knowledge to the given scenario.
  2. Presentation: You need to make sure the essay is presented in a good way, for example, keeping grammar errors at minimum.
  3. Clarity and structure: Your arguments should be organized in a clear and logical way. Your final mark will reflect whether you have the depth of knowledge. Attention should be drawn to the policy on plagiarism