Business Finance Homework Help

SXYZ Intro to Data Mining Manual Data Collection Questions


In an essay format answer the following questions:

  1. What were the traditional methods of data collection in the transit system?
  2. Why are the traditional methods insufficient in satisfying the requirement of data collection?
  3. Give a synopsis of the case study and your thoughts regarding the requirements of the optimization and performance measurement requirements and the impact to expensive and labor-intensive nature.

In an APA 7 formatted essay answer all questions above.

Times New Roman, 12 double space. Running head in the cover page

There should be headings to each of the questions above as well.

Ensure there are at least 3-peer reviewed sources to support your work (no wiki/websites ending with .com)

The paper should be at least two pages of content (this does not include the cover page or reference page).

No plagiarism/Spinbot/Synonymic words please

In-text citations to each question answered is mandatory