Business Finance Homework Help

COM 100 Strayer University Wk 8 Public Policy Analysis and Planning Discussion


1. Please respond to the following:

A small but fast-growing company has called you in as a consultant to help with their IT infrastructure. When they first started they put their business data in the cloud and changed their business processes to fit their SaaS. Now, they want to know if they should customize their SaaS to fit their business processes, or keep changing their business processes to fit their SaaS.

  • Propose a set of 3–5      initial questions you would ask them to help you prepare your      recommendation. Be sure to explain why you are asking each question.

2. Which aspects of the report are more persuasive? Why do you think so?

Gun ownership is still an ongoing debate between the democrats and republicans on who should own a gun and for what purpose. It is also a point of discussion whether the ownership of guns leads to a rise in the crime rate or whether limited access to guns results in reduced crime. One of the arguments that I found more persuasive is the fact that both democrats and republicans agree that guns should not be given to individuals who are mentally ill. This will result in a reduced crime rate or mass shootings. The two parties also agree that guns should not be given to people who have been barred from on-fly and currently on the watch list. It is a proper way to reduce the crime rate as people on the watchlist are dangerous and can do anything. Additionally, a background check on the sellers of guns is key to ensure the sellers are authorized and have the right information regarding buyers. The arguments in the writeup are factual and statistics show that both parties agree equally or almost equally. Arriving at such a consensus is important in order to move the bill not to let out guns to the individuals and groups in question.


On causes of violence, the republicans are open to teachers carrying guns to school while the democrats still believe that that could be a trigger to violence and a cause of mass shooting. They are also against the option of a short-term gun waiting period. I agree with the democrats on not allowing teachers to carry guns as they deal with large populations and in case of triggers, it is easy for the teacher to engage in mass shootings. This point is more persuasive and of benefit to those who are at risk of becoming victims of unnecessary gun shootings

3. PART 1

Ask a member of the Human Resources team (or the person who does the hiring) at your work what they see as the key characteristics of a successful manager. In the discussion thread, provide a summary, answering the following questions:


  1. What company do you work      for and what is the role of the individual you interviewed?
  2. What are the key      characteristics of a successful manager that your colleague described?
  3. What are your thoughts on      your colleague’s response?


Find an article discussing the key characteristics of a successful manager. Post a link to the article in the discussion thread and provide a summary of the following:

  1. What is the role and      background of the author of the article?
  2. What are the key      characteristics of a successful manager detailed in the article?
  3. What are your thoughts on      these characteristics?

4.We want to know what you think and how you’re doing! Let us know by responding to a few questions that will help you reflect on what you learned this week.

The following prompts will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply your technology and productivity skills in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will not be used for marketing purposes. Be sure to use your own words!


Over the past few weeks you have been learning about the technology and productivity skills. Think back to the career field and position you described in the Week 5 reflection. Then write 1–3 sentences for each of the following:


1. Restate the position that you are interested in obtaining.


2. Discuss two ways your technology skill could help you obtain or be successful in the position.


3. Discuss two ways your productivity skill could help you obtain or be successful in the position.


4. Identify one aspect of either your technology or productivity skill that you would like to improve to become even better equipped for success in your desired position.


5. Describe a strategy or find a resource that will help you make that improvement.