Business Finance Homework Help

Chicago State University Account Manager at The Family Health Center Job Description


I really just need the report to be formated correctly and create a job description. I will supply the Company description and overview managament information, I will just need you to word it correctly.


– The paper must be typed, double spaced, Times New Roman type using 12 point font size

– The report should include a table of contents

– All sections and sub-sections should be clearly marked with headings

– All supporting materials should be included in an appendix.

– A bibliography should be included listing all the information sources consulted, including individuals you’ve spoken with during your internship (I will supply this information to you)

The final report should include three sections:

Company Description (I will supply this information to you)

Job Description Create a job description for Accounting Manager

Job Description – the job description should be written in third person as if you, acting as a manager, were writing it for a new employee/associate. It should be written in outline form, except for the job summary section. Headings should be used to identify each if the job description sections. A suggested outline for the job description is listed below:

  • Job title and place of employment
  • Job summary – narrative summary of the activities of the position
  • Qualifications – education and experiences required
  • Working conditions – uniform requirements, physical surroundings, work days, hours, and the like
  • Salary and benefits

– Overview of Management Environment within the Organization (Plan, Organize, Lead, and Control) (I will supply this information to you)

This is the Company Description we provide primary and family health care, including behavioral health, pediatrics, family planning, parent support, and women’s health

Job Description Create a job description for Accounting Manager

These are the instruction for the job description

Job Description – the job description should be written in third person as if you, acting as a manager, were writing it for a new employee/associate. It should be written in outline form, except for the job summary section. Headings should be used to identify each if the job description sections. A suggested outline for the job description is listed below:

  • Job title and place of employment
  • Job summary – narrative summary of the activities of the position
  • Qualifications – education and experiences required
  • Working conditions – uniform requirements, physical surroundings, work days, hours, and the like
  • Salary and benefits